...not at the same time, mind you, although these photos may lead one to imagine that Pierre is showing off something other than his tattoos.
For someone who has too much work, I was a marvel of doing very little yesterday. There were good intentions and several hours of morning labor before the derailment of a boozy lunch at the wine bar Racines.
No matter. Time spent with cookbook authors David Lebovitz and Dorie Greenspan would sort of qualifiy as work if it weren't also so pleasurable. It's not often that I get to raise a glass with such slim-hipped foodie heavyweights and bask in the Rolland Garros-esque batting around of names. "When does Mark (Bittman) sleep?" and "Patricia (Wells) says so...," etc. In the moments when I wasn't exactly sure which Ruth (Reichl?) was being considered, I was more than happy to keep company with a towering tartare.The food at Racines is lovely (more photos here), and almost as nice as the wine, which is nearly as compelling as the proprietor himself.
I caught myself staring too long at Pierre Jancou's plate-stacked arm and rhapsodizing about the way his tattoos were set off against a background of colorful floor tiles. Ahem...
The only consolation for such behavior is watching all the other customers - journalists from the nearby HQs, young girls, moustachioed middle agers - also trying to conceal their crush. I suppose that's what good food & wine does.
When we finally left it was 4pm, three hours before my next date. Not really enough time to go home and work, a bit too long for cafe squatting. I was pondering my options when I walked past the Rex and saw people lining up for Sex.
I'm not really the sort of girl who wants to watch in a group and then go out for Cosmos afterward. I frankly don't have the footwear to pull that off.But I was curious and so plunged myself into the theater for some... "Jesus... is this in FRENCH?!"
It's true - I have now seen the dubbed! french! version of Sex in the City. And if the reviews are to be believed, I may have made the right choice.
A half-remembered snippet:
Smith: [looking down at his bulging groin] "J'ai un cadeau pour toi, ma chèrie."Believe it or not, this sort of dialogue actually feels profound when you have struggled to translate it.
Samantha: "J'ai quelque chose pour toi, aussi."
After the movie, I made my way across town to say goodbye to two friends who are leaving Paris. I fear for their sanity, returning as they are to a land devoid of three hour lunches, where one is forced (!) to watch Sex in the stark original version.
I feel for you on this one - I was submitted to the French version of American Gangster - Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe shouting about "les flics" was something I'm not keen to relive!
the reviews are right, it's pants! take it from a blogless reader now and again chortling at your comments in between boring proof-reading jobs! :)
I should have seen it in French, I did not really care for Sex VO. The French subtitles on the DVD are breathing new life into the show. I don't know if I'll ever use phrases like "funky spunk" in French, though.
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